Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Quote Unquote Records

Last month as I was sifting through about a dozen or so whiny interlinked suburban hardcore groups I found something quite interesting. An indie label called Quote Unquote Records with the strangest marketing strategy I've ever heard about, that is to say they don't have one. All records produced and marketed are available for free download on the label's website, no catch. Founded in 2006 by Jeff Rosenstock (Who also fronts the band Bomb The Music Industry!) the label operates on a "Donation Only" basis, which includes suggested donations of about five bucks for any of the already fifteen releases the label has racked up in the past year, of course however the albums themselves are completely free. 

Quote Unquote Records

At Myspace


The Bands Of Quote Unquote

Bomb The Music Industry!
(Various, USA)

Think- Centered around Jeff Rosenstock, the Ska/Punk/Electronic collective is somewhat of a hit or miss. Depending on which of its 20+ "members" happens to be on hand for recording or touring the bands sound can sway from horrid drunken crap to well crafted punk and ska. In 2004 after The Arrogant Sons of a Bitches went on hiatus Rosenstock opted to, instead of becoming a vapid alcoholic, record an album under the name Bomb The Music Industry. Doing so alone he crafted Album Minus Band, From there things took off as old band-mates, friends, and fans all seemed interested in performing the songs live and from this stemmed BTMI's revolving door membership system. The music is always unrelentingly energetic and erratic which sometimes rocks (Free Bird) and sometimes does not rock, does not rock a whole lot.

Frrrrrrreeeee Biiiiirrrrrrd! (Album Minus Band)
Even Winning Feels Bad (Goodbye Cool World)
Side Projects Are Never Successful (Goodbye Cool World)

Total Downloads- Total Download

(Try this first: Quote Unquote Records)





The Matt Kurz One

(Richmond, Virginia)

Think- Primarily banished to the world of Mary Poppins rip offs and various forms of computer made crap, the one man band has long been thought dead. But alas! we find our hero Matt Kurz a shining example among a sea of completely retard ed idiots banging on steel string acoustics. After playing for several bands Kurz thought his music days were over. However after recurring dreams of an old bluesman who played with his feet and a trip to San Francisco, he was inspired to start his band in which he is featured simultaneously playing five instruments...on every track...even during recording.

Try- Everything Is Boring Now

Total Download- His two albums "If You Can't Join 'Em, Beat 'Em" and "Impending Doom Is No Excuse"

(Try this first: Quote Unquote Records)




The Livingbrooks
(Long Island, New York)

Think- The Long Island Trio (Featuring our old friend Matt Kurz) formed during that hazy pre-myspace world of 2001 and unfortunately dispersed after releasing its debut; Easily one of the best albums on Quote Unquote records Night Of The Livingbrooks has a timelessly great "Surf Punk" sound. Really!, no joke check out the undeniable charm (Well, Punk charm) of Baldwin or Big Muff Buddah.

Try- Big Muff Buddah

Total Downloads- The debut album Night of the Livingbrooks

(Try this first: Quote Unquote Records)


(Athens, Georgia)

Think- The only band on the label that raps. Although rap they do Pegasuses-XL is not a rap band. What Peagasuses-XL is, is one set of killer drums, two synthesizers, beat boxing, and a shit-load of cool. As you read this the band is putting the final touches on it's new album Antiphon which can be sampled at their myspace.

Try- Welcome To It(,) Me , Every House Is Not A Homie, and 600$ Man.

Total Downloads- The bands three EP's The Midnight Aquarium, Pegasuses XL, and Third EP and the upcoming full length Antiphon.

(Try this first: Quote Unquote Records)



Chotto Ghetto
(Santa Monica, California)

Think- After releasing its debut on another label Chotto Ghetto switched to Quote Unquote for it's followup EP entitled simply "Rampage". While not actually "Hardcore" the band is often labeled that way, In reality they give off a feel more akin to The Refused or The Bronx.

Try- Holy Wars

Total Downloads- The Rampage EP and one track off of their debut Shooting Devils.

(Try this first: Quote Unquote Records)



Other bands (That I'm too lazy to write about) that are associated with the label include:

(Long Island/Brooklyn, New York)

Bi-gender punk band with a great guitar and strange lyrical subject matter.

(Try this first: Quote Unquote Records)

Rick Johnson And The Rock And Roll Machine

What isn't already explained in the title?

(Try this first: Quote Unquote Records)

The Riot Before

My Favorite, I had the pleasure to see these guys live. They have an amazing back catalogue and based on the songs from their upcoming release they played during their show here we can expect great things to come.

(Try this first: Quote Unquote Records)

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