Friday, March 28, 2008

Cold War Kids "Free Music Stub"

The Cold War Kids

The Cold War Kids is another one of those so-called "Indie" bands that everybody knows and loves. If you don't know about The Cold War Kids then the case may be that you like Kraftwerk or something equally gay and waste all your time swooning over Wumpscut. But I digress; Universally understandable, eloquent,  poignant, and enduringly beautiful; all of them suitable adjectives to describe the music of The Cold War Kid's but each in it's own way falls short. Indeed it is hard to capture in words exactly how cut's like "We Used To Vacation", "Hospital Beds", or even jaunty struttin' tunes like "Saint John" make you feel. You can hear the Gospel, The Soul, and Especially the hard bitten Blues in their voices and guitars (and every other instrument but the kitchen sink for that matter) but also there is undoubtedly present, that special something that turns normal songs into classics that will be heard for a very, very long time. 

As I mentioned above you really have to hear a Cold War Kid's song in order to really, "get it" and lucky for us the band happens to be one of the most prodigious free music givers that I have had the pleasure to come across, with enough live versions, B-sides, and sample tracks to make you a fan without ever having to purchase any of their music (Or steal it for that matter.)
Official Site (With a Free Live EP and two tracks off of The Mulberry Street EP.)
Daytrotter Sessions (Four Free Live Cuts including the unreleased track "Pass The Hat" and killer versions of the moving "We Used To Vacation" and "Hospital Beds")
Last.FM (Steam Dozens of Songs)
RCRD LBL (Download the entire "Mulberry Street EP" and two tracks off of their debut "Robbers and Cowards")
WOXY (Free Concert)
KEXP (Another (better) free concert From KEXP)
KEXP 2 (Yet another free concert. This one however is interesting because it is a joint effort between CWK's, Dr. Dog., and Elvis Perkins each doing a few of their own songs with the other groups backing them.)
Myspace (Nothing that cool)

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